Swimming Pools, Hot Tubs, and Spas
General Pool Information:
- Above vs In-ground (pros and cons)
- Algae, prevention and recovery
- Backwash filters
- Changing room
- Chlorine Alternatives
- Cleaning (Above ground or in ground)
- Closing Pool for Season
- Cost of water
- Covers – repair vs. replace
- Covers for Above Ground Pools (Guide)
- Deck Maintenance
- Diving Board / Slide benefits
- Environmentally-friendly pool care
- Eye and skin irritation, causes and solutions
- Filters (types)
- Heated pool benefits
- Hot Tub Cleaning
- Inflatable Pool Cleaning
- Kiddie Pool – choosing and cleaning
- Maintenance Checklist (time-based)
- Never do these around the pool
- Nighttime swimming
- Opening Pool for Season
- pH (understanding)
- Pool Size Charts
- Pump
- Repairs: Professional vs. DIY
- Safely Handling Pool Chemicals
- Safety around the Pool
- Shocking a Pool (Guide)
- Size – How To Decide On
- Testing Water (how to)
- Tools and Supplies (Guide)
- Vacuum (how to)