Hi hoe! It’s off to work we go! And a weeding hoe is a great tool that can make gardening easier. Not only can it help pull up weeds, but it can also break up clumps of soil to prepare the earth for planting.
But there are several kinds of garden hoes out there, and not all are suited to this task! You want to be sure to choose the right style. And you want it to be easy to use and durable, too!
What A Garden Hoe Is Use For
Hoes can dig, make furrows for seeds, break up the soil, and weed. They all have a pole and a blade. But there are different types of blades depending on the work they’re designed for.
In this article, we’ll focus on long-handled hoes designed for pulling weeds and breaking up the surface. Even within this focus, there are a couple of different styles. Each can get the job done well, but using different methods.
Types of hoe
Drawing Hoe
The drawing hoe has a somewhat wide, flat blade that you pull (draw) toward yourself. Its primary use is to smooth dirt and break up clumps, but it can help with weeding a bit.
Stirrup Hoe
A stirrup hoe takes its name from a saddle stirrup – it has a flat side and an arch that connects it to the handle. It’s sometimes known as a loop, hula, action or scuffle hoe. They can also be called reciprocal hoes because you can push or pull them to get the job done.
The shape of the blade is great for getting at the base of weeds and pulling them up. But it also works well for chopping up balls of dirt.
Sweeping Hoe
A sweeping hoe is better for smoothing out dirt. It’s similar to a drawing hoe, but the blade is wider. It can pull up weeds, but that extra width might mean it takes extra effort for large patches of weeds. You might prefer something that lets you focus on a smaller piece at a time.
Collinear hoes fall into this category.
Push Hoes
As the name suggests, push hoes work best when you push away, rather than pulling towards yourself. These are generally more pointed than drawing hoes – the blades are often shaped more like a triangle. This makes them suitable for digging furrows. They can pull up weeds but it might take a while since the point is so narrow.
What To Consider in a Garden Hoe
Based on what we’ve covered so far, it’s obvious that you need to choose a type of hoe suited to your task at hand. That might mean you need two or three different hoes for assorted tasks.
If you want a hoe for weeding, a stirrup hope is probably the best bet, with a drawing hoe coming up second.
Check out the length of the handle, too. Be sure to choose one that will be comfortable to work with. Of course, this may be tough for very tall people. But even at the upper end of “average” height, two additional inches of handle can make a big difference.
Durability always matters, too. Wood or fiberglass handles both are suitable. Steel blades are ideal. Be sure to consider how the blade is attached to the handle, too. When they are welded, it can be problematic if not well-done.
Reviews of the Best Garden Hoes
Nisaku NJP1010 Medium Length Nejiri Gama Sharpened Weeding Hoe

This pulling hoe is a sturdy tool with a solid blade that will do a good job on soil and weeds alike.
The blade is sharpened so it will help cut the weeds right off the roots very easily. It’s about 4.5 inches wide, a comfortable width to work with.
It also has a solid connection between the blade and the handle. The shank goes into the wood, and a band holds it tight.
The one thing we don’t like about this is that it’s not really a long-handled tool. It’s only 45 inches long. That’s about 9 inches shorter than we’d like for an average-sized person. It’s too long to be a short-handled hoe that you’d use while kneeling but it’s kind of backbreaking to use it while standing.
Overall, it’s solidly put together and can get the job done. It just may be tough to find a good posture in which to use it.
Bully Tools 92353 12-Gauge Garden Hoe

We’re in a much more comfortable zone with the length of this pull hoe. It’s made with 12-gauge steel and has a 6.5-inch-wide blade. Most importantly, it’s a good length, at just a shade under 56 inches from the blade to the top of the handle.
For tall people, that can still be difficult. But those of us over 6 feet are used to going through that. This tool is around the upper edge of what you’ll find and is good for almost everyone.
The shaft of the blade extends a good distance into the fiberglass handle. It seems solid enough, but we did see a complaint that it broke after light use. But our overall experience is that it’s a solid working implement and worth your consideration!
Berry & Bird Long Wood-Handled Oscillating Hoe

Berry & Bird offers a different type of hoe. This oscillating (stirrup or action) model is a wonderful example of a tool designed to get the job done over and over again.
The sturdy steel blade pulls through weed roots easily, clearing a 6.5-inch strip.
It also has a 62-inch wooden handle! That’s an incredible length, and even people of above-average height can use it without too much back strain.
AMES 2825500 2-in-1 Dual-Prong Weeder Hoe

Ames is known perhaps more for its stores than for its branded products, but it does a great job with this hoe (and the one that follows). And this one serves a dual purpose.
One side serves as a drawing hoe. The blade is somewhat near, at only 3.5 inches. But what it lacks in width, it makes up for in versatility.
Simply flip it over and you have two prongs that can dig deeper into the soil to create furrows for planting or to tackle tough roots and weeds.
At 54 inches, the handle is a decent length. That’s about average for long-handled tools.
The handle fits inside the shaft of the blade and is riveted on. It seems stable enough. However, it’s not extremely strong; it’s good for light work but not for tackling thick roots or rocky soil.
AMES 2825800 Action Hoe

This action hoe (that is, oscillating hoe) is a great length and sturdy build for tackling all those wedding chores you’d just rather ignore.
The head is a bit more triangular than most other oscillating hoes, giving it a little less space “inside” the frame. But it still does a good job breaking through the soil and weeds.
Overall, it’s 58 inches long with a 6-inch wide blade. It also has a ten-inch rubber cushion grip to make it a little more comfortable to hold. The handle itself is made of wood.
Garden hoes designed for weeding can help make your chores easier and faster. Be sure to get a hoe suited to the purpose since there are various kinds. The recommendations above will help you choose a quality addition for your toolshed!