There’s something about a crisp division between your lawn and your garden that makes both look much more attractive. To create a clear line, you’ll want to include a garden edger among your tools. With a bit of effort, your landscaping will look professionally done!
A garden edger is a simple tool that cuts through grass and soil to get that sharp line. It’s small enough to handle the curves and corners of your garden bed. And it’s easy to handle; you can do it quickly even while kneeling or sitting for other garden chores.
Difference Between a Garden Edger And A Lawn Edger
Ok, there’s no hard and fast distinction between a lawn edger and a garden edger. However, shorter-handled edgers are often listed as garden edgers while those with long handles are called lawn edgers. Both work in the same way.
We’re limiting ourselves to edgers up to 42 inches long for this article. That makes them easier to handle in the small space of a flower bed or other garden area.
You can check our reviews of lawn edgers, too. Since they are easier to use while standing up, they make easy work of larger spaces.
How Does a Garden Edger Work
A garden edger normally consists of a handle with a half-moon blade at the end. The blade is pressed into the soil and rocked back and forth, creating an edge and cutting off grass roots several inches deep.
This helps keep the grass and weeds from spreading into the garden bed itself. It creates a clear distinction between the two areas and provides a professional appearance.
What To Consider
When choosing your garden edger, be sure to look for one with a sturdy handle, a tough blade, and a solid connection between them.
Handles may be wood, fiberglass, or steel. Any of these are acceptable. Blades are general metal. But the most important point is where the two join together. Be sure the joint is solid so that the tool won’t pull apart.
Also, make sure a garden edger is the right tool for your needs. If you’re edging a larger area, a lawn edger is better since you don’t have to bend over to use it. A garden edger is best for a small area or one where a long handle may get in your way, such as around bushes.
Which Garden Edger To Buy
Here are our recommendations for the best garden edgers.
Radius Garden 206 PRO Garden Stainless Steel Edger

This model from Radius is made of stainless steel for the blade and most of the handle. The unique round grip is polypropylene. This circular design is a feature of many Radius products. It can take some getting used to, but once you do, it’s hard to go back to a regular D-shaped grip.
At 38.4 inches in length, it’s great for smaller spaces.
It is a durable tool; joint failure is rare. The edge is a bit thick, but an edger isn’t designed to “cut”; it’s supposed to be forced through the ground.
Roamwild Multi-Digger Garden Edger

Roamwild’s garden edger has a unique design for both the blade and handle.
The grip is semicircular, providing a little more space to grab on compared to a D-grip. There’s also a straight grip inside the curve, allowing you to use both hands and adding extra leverage.
The blade isn’t quite a half-moon shape…it kind of looks like an upside-down Darth Vader helmet. That odd shape provides some extra space to push down with your foot. There’s also a serrated edge on one side, in case you need to cut through light tree or bush roots.
The shaft and handle are fiberglass; the blade is metal.
Overall, this tool measures 40 ⅙ inches.
It’s put together well and does a great job even on tough sod and soil.
Corona LG 3684 Edge Master

Corona’s garden edger looks pretty unique; it almost resembles a pogo stick. The handle doesn’t have a “grip” – it’s a straight bar. And the blade has extra space to plant your feet to dig in. But those differences are a big part of what makes it such a handy tool.
The blade itself, though, is the most unique feature. It has ribs that help make a wider cut into the soil. This means you’ll get a cleaner edge that lasts longer.
The tool is made with carbon steel and measures a hair under 42 inches long.
The biggest weakness is that the blade is riveted to the shaft, presenting a weak point. If you try using it often in hard soil – or it bumps into hidden concrete when using it along the sidewalk – it may break.
Bully Tools 92251 Round Lawn Edger

This Bully Tools edger likewise has a straight bar handle and a wide footrest. It measures 38 ⅜ inches long and is made entirely of steel. The blade is 12-gauge.
The blade and shaft are welded together, which can present a weak point. In general, it holds up well, but you have to be aware of the potential problems here and not force things.
It’s described as “commercial grade.” We wouldn’t go that far, but it is strong enough for home use.
Garden Weasel 91714 Edger-Chopper

This edger does a good job creating that clean edge you’ve been looking for. It has a straight handle and a unique design for a footrest. The blade slices through soil pretty well, too!
Overall, the tool measures 38 inches.
There’s a nice, wide ledge for your foot – however, here we find the biggest drawback, too. The footrest is enclosed in a semicircular arch, which means people with wide feet may have trouble using it. That can be a serious disadvantage.
Otherwise, it’s solidly constructed and pierces the ground quite well.
When you want your garden to look “just so”, a garden edger is an important tool to have. It makes it clear where your garden bed ends and your lawn begins. And that little extra can make you the envy of the whole neighborhood!