yards improved is a website devoted to advice on how to get the most out of your yard and outdoor areas

We want to be good neighbors and be sure to provide you with important information about your privacy and other facts about using our site. Your privacy is important to us.

We are Amazon Associates

As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to Amazon.com and affiliated sites.

We also participate in the Home Depot affiliate program, which allows us to earn commission on purchases made through links on our site.

You don’t pay extra, but we get a commission when you buy from Amazon or Home Depot after following links on our page.

Privacy Policy

We don’t collect any of your private information. At this time, there are no sign-ups, email lists, purchases or other ways of collecting your information.

We do link to third-party websites such as Amazon which have their own privacy policies. We aren’t responsible for them, but we make every effort to assure that we only link to sites that act legally and ethically.

If at any point in the future we add the collection of personal data, we will update this policy and you will need to provide consent to use that particular part of our service.

We do use tools like Google Analytics to track visits, behavior and time spent on our site. However, this is generic information and is not “personally identifiable.” That is, we know that someone visited the site, but we cannot connect that information to you as an individual in any way. We use that data to see if our site is working correctly and what is of the most interest to our visitors.

Safety and Security on our Site

We do link to third-party websites but cannot be accountable for the content of those sites.

Always observe good safety practices on the internet. No purchases are made through our site and no financial information is required to use it.

We attempt to keep all our content up-to-date, including possible broken links. We apologize in advance if any link does not work. This can sometimes happen when an item is no longer available on Amazon.